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Beijing Taxi scams. Art dealers. Fun in Tiananmen. Wandering the Forbidden City.
April 20-24, 1998 Introduction Beijing, I think, doesn't really need an introduction. I have visited only once, arriving on April 20, 1998 and departing for Xi'an on the afternoon of the 24th. Beijing was the first place I ever visited in the PRC and as a result this travelogue is written from the viewpoint of someone with no Chinese experience yet. Given that four years have passed since I visited Beijing and given the rapid rate of change occurring in Beijing there's not too much practical information to be offered here other than reading my own experiences as a first-time China visitor and how I handled certain situations and what worked and didn't work. So I hope then, that this section can at least give the reader the vicarious experience of what China is like from the first time one steps off the airplane.
April 20-24, 1998 After a few days in Hong Kong I got my first real impression of the People's Republic in the form of the old Beijing International Airport. For the capital city of an emerging world power, of a country of 1.25 billion people, in a city of ten million people, I had never seen an airport so small, rundown, and congested. That problem, however, has since been solved. But in April 1998 it was still the cramped, dingy old terminal with more touts, mostly for outrageously priced taxis, than any other airport I would travel through in China. As
soon as I cleared customs and immigration and entered the terminal, taxi
touts were all over me, quoting exorbitant prices in the 350 to 500 yuan range.
That's between $44 and $63 US. The normal rate on the meter is between
80 and 120 yuan ($10 and $15 US), including expressway toll, depending
on the destination. Except for the day I left Beijing for Xi'an, giving me
only a few hours in the morning, the weather I had in Beijing was horrible.
The first two days the city was blanketed by a thick haze limiting visibility
to less than a mile the first day and maybe two miles the second day.
The second two days were cold and rainy. An expressway links Beijing and
the airport, some twenty-seven kilometers from the center of Beijing.
In good weather there are views of the mountains off to the north. On
my arrival day I could barely see the trees on the side of the road. After
checking into my hotel, some large unremarkable place to the west of Tiananmen
Square, the name of which I've long since forgotten, I did what any newly
arrived tourist to Beijing does, I went to Tiananmen Square. It was a
straight walk of about two kilometers down Qianmen Xidajie, one of central
Beijing's main roads. I immediately met China's version of the Tuk Tuk,
the pedicab. The pedicab is similar to the cyclo in Phnom Penh or Saigon
except the seat is behind the bicycle rider, not in front. I instantly
recognized them for what they were, annoying thieves. As I was to observe over the next few days, I could be
walking down the street, the only foreigner in a crowd of several hundred
Chinese, when twenty meters away a pedicab driver would spot me in the
crowd, jump from his seat, wipe the seat off and start moving in my direction.
Within five or ten meters, a half dozen of these clowns would start shouting
at me "Ni hao!" (hello), waving at me, practically fighting
each other to get me in their pedicab. Tiananmen Square is a relaxed place, excellent for people watching. People pass the time sitting on the pavement playing cards, reading, or simply talking. Many more fly kites, or almost as entertaining, watch other people fly kites. Many vendors there sell kites should you want to take the opportunity to join in that great Chinese pastime. Tiananmen Square is huge, the massive buildings and wide boulevards surrounding the square display an imposing sight to the visitor. Just as Washington, DC was designed to extol the power of the United States, the central area of Beijing certainly impresses in exalting the power of the People's Republic. At the southern end of the square sits Qianmen (Front Gate). At one time a wall surrounded the core city but that was demolished to make way for wide boulevards and grand Stalinist structures. Only the gates remain. Qianmen is actually two structures, one on each side of the road. Just north of Qianmen lies Chairman Mao in his huge mausoleum. When open for viewing the line of visitors can be half a mile long. I'm not exaggerating. But I never bothered with it. Mao has little interest to me, and though the procession of viewers was kept moving, it just didn't seem worth it. To the north of the mausoleum is the Monument to the People's Heroes. A 36 meter obelisk built in 1958 to commemorate various revolutionary events in Chinese history. The rest of the square is open space up to Dongchang'an Jie, a huge boulevard of something like ten lanes plus two bicycle lanes. Across the street is Tiananmen Gate, also known as the Gate of Heavenly Peace. A large portrait of Mao hangs on the south side. It replaces a portrait destroyed by paintballs during the 1989 protests. It was at Tiananmen Gate that Mao, on October 1, 1949 proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic of China. I went to the top of the gate (15 yuan, special foreigner price) and was provided with a nice view of Tiananmen Square and it's surrounding buildings. Standing where Mao once stood I proudly proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic of Bicycle. To the north of Tiananmen Gate is the Forbidden City. The roads surrounding Tiananmen Square are all expansive boulevards. In most places one must use underground pedestrian tunnels to cross these streets. To the east side of the square are two museums housed in a single massive building. There is the Museum of the Revolution, which I did not visit, that traces events from 1919 to the establishment of the PRC in 1949; and the Museum of History, which I did visit.
the west side of the square is the Great Hall of the People, where the
National People's Congress meets. It's open for visitors and I walked
through some of the rooms, the 10,000 seat auditorium, and the huge banquet
room. Upon leaving this great symbol of the Chinese government (did someone
say Communist?), one is forced to exit through one of the largest most
grotesque souvenir galleries on the planet. Overall, I wasn't terribly
impressed by my visit to the Great Hall. Though a lot of western tourists come to China, the overwhelming majority of tourists are native Chinese. There are two constants about Chinese tourists. First, they have to photograph each other in front of every attraction; every individual, in every possible combination. A scenery shot is rare, and candid photography, well, why on earth would anyone want to take a candid, unposed photograph of someone you don't know? This is very time consuming when you are waiting to look at something or want to take your own photograph without the human species in the picture. The other constant is the tour group. A lot of Chinese travel in organized tour groups. This is to the great convenience of everyone, except maybe the solo western traveler. Someone should make a horror film: "Invasion of the Chinese Tour Group." Imagine my face on the silver screen, mouth wide open in terror, as thirty Chinese tourists, wearing identical hats, come storming in my direction, shouting, spitting, pushing and shoving, lead by a young group leader wearing the same baseball cap, carrying a flag identifying the tour group and chattering away into a megaphone. I could be standing at the roped-off entrance to one of the rooms in the Great Hall, camera ready for a photo when some group of Chinese tourists would simply push themselves right in front of me waving their arms around and chattering away in Mandarin or whatever dialect they speak. It was as if I was invisible. I spent a little bit of each day hanging out in Tiananmen Square watching people and shooting photographs. The north end of the square gets very crowded near sunset as people assemble to observe the flag lowering ceremony. The ceremony is repeated at sunrise but not so many people are awake to see it. I certainly never was.
If you stand around Tiananmen long enough some local Chinese person is going to start a conversation with you, frequently under the guise of practicing their English. Sometimes these are pretexts to more important matters, such as selling you art or discussing other ways to separate you from your money, but sometimes these conversations are simply extensions of friendship and hospitality. I experienced both, here and in other cities. During my first evening while standing around watching
the crowd waiting for the flag lowering ceremony, various people approached
me and made innocent conversation. After the flag ceremony I went in search
of dinner. Obtaining food in Beijing was not difficult despite the language
barrier. I had been warned to be very careful about rip-offs at restaurants,
whether it be inflating the menu price, adding on extra charges, or not
printing prices on the menu and bringing a surprise bill. Not once in
China did any of these scams happen to me (that I know of). I did however
make a point of verifying prices before ordering and getting prices in
writing if there was no price printed on the menu. While China travel
presents a lot of difficulties, eating, for the most part, proved not
to be one. The several times I was in a restaurant that did not have an
English menu the staff was surprisingly helpful and patient as I labored
through my phrasebook searching for items and phrases that would eventually
lead to mutual satisfaction of both parties: me by eating food and they
by selling food. At one restaurant, after ordering my food, they borrowed
my Mandarin phrasebook and began translating sections of their menu! I walked down Qianmen Dajie, a main street that runs south below Tiananmen Square in search of a suitable eating establishment. I passed a few places with food on display facilitating the 'point and eat' style of food ordering; cafeterias are really good for this and China has a lot of them. Soon a man of maybe forty-five catches up to me and starts a conversation. He was extraordinarily polite and spoke very good English asking all the usual questions, where I was from, how long had I been here, etc. He introduced himself as an art professor from a university in Xi'an and would I like to come visit the gallery nearby which was displaying (and selling) his and his students work? I replied I was more interested in dinner than art to which he informed me that around the corner from the gallery was a market and a string of cheap restaurants, maybe even one with an English menu. So why not have some dinner and when I'm through I can come look at the artwork? Whatever. I figured so long as he didn't lead me anywhere funny I'll at least see where this all leads. No problem, we turned off the main road to a side street. "There's my gallery," as he points to a building with some blue doors, "and around this corner, many restaurants, very good and very cheap." He spoke the truth. On another side street was a flourishing and crowded street market with several small restaurants, each with someone standing out front beckoning to passers-by to enter. Though only a few blocks from Tiananmen there was not another foreigner in sight. He suggested one of the small restaurants whereupon a young man happily pointed me to a table and shouted something in Chinese to another young man. "They're finding an English menu for you," the art professor (dealer) said before departing, reminding me again to visit the gallery when I was finished. When I entered the restaurant every eye in the room fell upon me. A few blocks from Tiananmen and these people acted like no foreigner had ever set foot in the place. Maybe that's true. Some looked at me funny, some smiled, some raised a glass, "ni hao!" (hello). Meanwhile a flurry of activity came from the staff, one hurriedly wiped the table, another brought me tea, and finally great excitement when they found their English menu. It was dusted off and proudly delivered to me. Every entree was between six and sixteen yuan (75 cents and two dollars US). I ordered some pork dish that brought shouts of praise from the staff. It was priced at eleven yuan, they charged me ten. some special I guess. All during the course of my meal the people eating in the restaurant continued to look over at me, but most were very friendly. As I was finishing my meal two young men, early twenties, insisted I join them for dinner. One wanted to practice his English. I figured I already had one potential art seller in limbo, what's another. But alas, this young man and his friend had no other intentions but to show me hospitality and talk with a foreigner, though one of the two did about 98% of the talking. They insisted I join them with their meal refusing to let
me pay anything. I had now been in here for about ninety minutes. I left
with my two new friends to return to Tiananmen, wondering what became
of my art dealer friend. Sure enough, he was waiting outside the restaurant
for me. I was now very glad to be in the company of two locals, figuring
if this guy waited this long for me some kind of hard sell awaited. My
two new friends seemed under the impression that this was some prearranged
meeting and were ready to take leave of me but I protested, "No no
no, he just wants me to look at some art, it will only take a minute.
I will go with you to Tiananmen." I think that my indifference to
the art, I wasn't buying anything under these circumstances, and being
accompanied by two local Chinese made it very easy to get out of the gallery.
Had I been alone I'm sure I would have been subjected to a much harder
sell. We walked back to Tiananmen Square, it was about 9:30 at night.
People were lounging about, playing cards, reading under the streetlights,
or just relaxing.
We reached the north end of the square just as the police
were closing it down for the night. This is done with a lot of yelling,
waving, and pointing. Everyone complies as the police move in a wave pushing
people south to the underground walkways or to the two above ground crosswalks.
I thought it curious that such a huge public square, entirely open on
all sides, could be closed down every evening. Maybe it's to keep the
vagrants from camping out and turning the place into a toilet or maybe
it's to prevent a large-scale long-term gathering as occurred in the spring
of 1989. I don't know. My two friends walked me back to Qianmen Xidajie
and made sure I found transport back to my hotel.
When I arrived at the Forbidden City I saw a huge swarming mass of people, Chinese people. Somewhere to the side of this mob was a ticket booth. This sight was possibly more frightening than being cornered by a large Chinese tour group. It was chaos. This mass of people pushed, they shoved, they spit, they waved their hands. There had to be a better way. Then, across the courtyard I spied the sign. It was the sign that under any other circumstance would make my skin crawl. It was the sign that read: "Foreigner Ticket Booth." And there was not a human being around. I smiled. I didn't care if I had to pay ten times the Chinese price. No mob, no pushing, no spitting, no yelling, no waving hands. For the only time during my entire stay in China, I *happily* paid the foreign devil price and even threw in an extra five yuan for the pocket guide book. Elapsed time: about forty seconds. I looked back at my worst nightmare: a throbbing mass of pushing, spitting, yelling, arm waving Chinese. "Jeezuz Kah-rist" I mumbled as I walked away.
When you exit the complex on the north side you will be instantly greeted by a plethora of taxis and souvenir and soft drink sellers. Here I discovered a new aspect about China travel, one that gave me some solace. There is no discrimination when exiting the Forbidden City as everyone leaving is a tourist regardless of ethnicity or country of origin. The vendors pick no favorites. As a matter of fact, their aggressiveness was oftentimes greater when directed at other Chinese then to foreigners!
From Jingshan I walked over to Beihai Park, a large park directly to the west. Like almost all parks in Beijing there is an entrance fee. Sometimes these fees are the same for Chinese and foreigners, sometimes they are not. In the park is a large lake and at the center of the lake is Jade Island. At the top of the island is the White Dagoba, a 36-meter Tibetan style structure built in 1651 for the visiting Dalai Lama. There are other attractions in the park which I did not visit, it would have necessitated a lot more walking and I wanted to head to the suburbs to see the Summer Palace. I attempted to take a cab to the Summer Palace. The first
cab I flagged down understood "Summer Palace" when I showed
it to him written in Chinese characters but he didn't know how to get
there, I think. He drove me to another cab, free of charge, and passed
me off. I thought it was strange but the same thing happened again in
Shanghai just trying to get to the train station. The Summer Palace is a sprawling 700-acre complex of parkland, lakes, and buildings located about twelve kilometers northwest of Beijing. Kunming Lake comprises the bulk of the Palace grounds. The Palace was originally constructed in 1750 and burned down in 1860. In 1886 Empress Dowager Cixi decided a personal retreat was more important than a good navy so she helped herself to the money and rebuilt the place, renaming it from the Garden of Clear Ripples to the Summer Palace. It was burned and rebuilt again at the turn of the century. Like the Forbidden City it is best seen with some kind of accompanying description. For a few yuan, old ladies sell maps of the site, which include useful details on some of the pavilions, halls, and gardens. It's a worthwhile purchase. But before I could even reach the front gate I had to pass through a gauntlet of pedicabs. You have to either admire their persistence or laugh at their stupidity. It's one or the other. Here, someone (me) has just *arrived* in a taxi cab and is walking *to* the Summer Palace. Does that stop them from trying to block my way and take me somewhere? No. But I got a good laugh from one. One pedicab driver, far more relaxed than his compatriots, catches my eye, raises a finger, smiles and says "Tiananmen?" Tiananmen Square was twelve kilometers away. I laughed at what I hoped was a joke for my benefit but then again he probably would have cycled me all the way back to Tiananmen for who knows how many yuan.
To the west are numerous halls and pavilions, and sitting
in the lake, the huge marble boat the Empress Cixi constructed, probably
to rationalize her looting of the navy's funds. The boat can't go anywhere
but apparently she enjoyed sitting in it. To the south is another complex
of halls, gates, and pavilions. Running I returned to Tiananmen Square to observe the evening kite
flying session. Again, while standing around the square I was approached
by a kind young female student. Surprise! She was an art student from
Xi'an and asked if I'd like to come see her school's gallery.
She didn't stick around much longer. I had dinner at the
same restaurant as the previous night getting the same response from the
clientele. Though no one invited me to dinner this time they all seemed
to enjoy the presence of the foreigner. But still, some blankly stared,
totally unconcerned whether I knew they were staring at me or not. You get stared at a lot in China. Actually, you get stared
at all over Asia. The stares you get aren't hostile, but they're not exactly
friendly either. I called the people behind these stares "Village
Idiots", like the village idiot that sits like a zombie on the street
corner staring blankly at the people who walk by. But you have to get
used to it. Traveling in a group helps, and later in Xi'an we had quite
a bit of fun at the expense of some local Village Idiots. One other sight in Beijing that qualifies as a must-see is Tiantan (the Temple of Heaven) Park. This is a park of nearly 700 acres in the southern part of Beijing. The park is very pretty. The Temple of Heaven buildings are from the Ming Dynasty. They are heavy in symbolism in respect to geometric shapes and numerology. At the northern end of the park is the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests. The building you see is not the original one. The original building was constructed in 1420 but reduced to ashes in 1889. It was here the emperor came every spring to pray for a good harvest in the upcoming year. The Imperial Vault of Heaven sits directly to the south, and from here, one walks down a long causeway to Echo Wall and the Round Altar. Echo Wall is a circular structure where you stand facing the wall, shout something, and hear your voice return to you. But what you will really hear is the voices of five hundred other tourists also shouting at the wall. The Round Altar is a three-tiered pavilion dating from 1530. The structure is based upon the number nine. The top tier has nine rings of stones with each ring containing an increasing number of stones in multiples of nine (9, 18, 27, etc. up to 81). The second tier continues the series from ten to eighteen, and the bottom tier finishes it off from nineteen to twenty-seven. At the top of the center tier sits a single stone. This is another place you're supposed to be able to stand and yell something and have it echo back to you. It's a very comical sight when a tour group arrives and thirty people vie for the center and one by one take turns standing and yelling and posing for photographs.
In 1998, I did most of my internal traveling by airplane. Flying in China was quite a surprise. The CAAC (Civil Aviation Administration of China) and its affiliate airlines works pretty darn good. Once a centralized airline, the CAAC, in the spirit of the new China is in fact simply an umbrella over a slew of regional independent carriers. Most were comfortable, well staffed, seemingly safe, and on-time. Flying domestic in China was in many respects a better experience then flying domestic in America. CAAC had been for years creating legendary travel stories,
but only my Xi'an to Shanghai flight provided any travel fodder. When
the flight was called we walked through the doorway and down the tunnel
only to then be led down a stairway onto the tarmac. This would be okay
except the airplane parked there was not our plane, though several people
almost boarded it anyway. The next plane down wasn't ours either. But
several gates down sat another plane, our plane, though I was never quite
sure of this until we landed and I could confirm visually that we were
in fact, in Shanghai. Curiously the airplane was only one-third full.
This was either because some poor hapless passengers never found the proper
aircraft or because there were three flights from Xi'an to Shanghai within
a space of an hour. The morning of my departure from Beijing necessitated a search for money. In very few places in China could I walk up to an ATM with a visa or debit card and get money. Only in Shanghai did I find such a convenience. Everywhere else I had to find a bank and get money from a human being. And there weren't a lot of options. Even in Beijing I had to go halfway across the city to find the one branch of the Bank of China that could give me money off a debit Visa. In locating this branch I encountered another taxi scam that had a humorous outcome. In Beijing, there's a flag fall of between ten and fifteen yuan depending in the vehicle, and then a kilometer rate of between one and two yuan, also dependent on the kind of vehicle. The first three kilometers are free. When I walked out of my hotel there were, as there always were, a few taxis lined up. I normally ignored them, knowing it's always safer to flag a moving cab down rather than take one sitting in front of a hotel. They were all the two yuan per kilometer variety but I didn't think I was going far and the one in the front spoke English. I got in and saw the meter at the proper flag fall rate (14.4 yuan), but I also noticed the odometer read 2.8 kilometers. As the driver spoke English, I decided to keep quiet about this small point just to see where this would lead. As expected, no sooner do we pull into the road that the
meter clicks two yuan. Very interesting, I wonder how many times this
works and he gets the extra six yuan (75 cents). After a few minutes of
talking Chinese politics and economics, his sentiments almost mirroring
exactly the same sentiments everyone else in China expressed, I changed
the conversation to one of scams and other acts of dishonesty the poor
foreign traveler encounters in China. We laughed and joked and he said
I was a very clever person as I seemed very good about spotting them.
We arrived at the bank and he agreed to wait while I made sure I could
get money at this branch. He seemed to think I couldn't, but the guidebook
said I could. He was right. He then took me to the proper branch and it
was time to pay the bill. I handed him the metered fare minus the six
yuan for the three 'extra' kilometers that were on the meter when I got
in. I considered making a quick stop at Tiananmen to see if I couldn't get a look at Mao after all. No luck, the line was a half-mile long. I went across the street to eat some food, then returned to my hotel to get my things and fly off to Xi'an.
Visually, Beijing hosts some beautiful parks and gardens, and all the splendor of imperial China and its related architecture is everywhere. The architecture of Beijing is in many respects very 'China' most unlike the more modern southern cities. But Beijing is massive. Massive boulevards, massive government buildings, ugly fifteen and twenty story apartment blocks built in the fifties and sixties that are twice as wide as they are tall all detracted from the more attractive aspects of Beijing. Beijing supposedly has good nightlife. I never really looked for it. Apparently there is a healthy concentration of clubs in the northeast section of the city having some pretty good local bands, but such claims are always highly subjective. But the mere fact is, nightlife does exist in Beijing. I think what disappointed me about Beijing was I couldn't detect much by way of soul. As I discovered, despite having almost nothing by way of tourist attractions or old history, Shanghai is bursting with heart and soul in comparison to the capital city, definitely a New York gonna-be in a couple of generations, but Beijing, I couldn't find it. It felt like a pacemaker aided the city's heartbeat regulated by some massive governing body. What soul Beijing has is historic. It's the soul of the old imperial empire, of the dynasties, not the soul of a city storming into the 21st century. There is change in Beijing, there is modernization, shopping malls, nightclubs, trendy restaurants, bustling markets, new office high-rises, the works. Beijing has all the trappings of a modern city. But there was something lacking in the energy department which is the number one reason why I wasn't impressed with Beijing despite what was clearly a positive four days. I'm glad I visited Beijing and I enjoyed myself very much, I would never tell anyone to skip it, I can't imagine any trip to China not including a visit to Beijing. But I also know I could return another time and have an entirely different impression - China is like that. ------------------
Beijing / Chengdu / Dali-Xiaguan / Deqin / Guangzhou / Guilin / Haba-Baishuitai / Hailuogou-Moxi / Hong Kong / Huashan / Kangding-Luding / Kunming / Lijiang / Shanghai / Simatai / Songpan / Suzhou / Tengchong-Baoshan / Tiger Leaping Gorge / Xi'an / Yangshuo / Zhangjiajie-Wulingyuan / Zhongdian --------------------------------------------------------- All text and photographs © 1998 - 2006 Gordon Sharpless. Commercial or editorial usage without written permission of the copyright holder is prohibited. |
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